April showers bring new opportunities

With spring in bloom, now is the time to get back to basics. For inspiration, refer to our new client profiles that are one-page snapshots designed to help you identify potential opportunities and creative solutions using life insurance. Take a look:

Market Volatility.png

Our recently updated Client navigator conveniently guides you in asking questions that may relate to your clients’ current and future needs — to better help them with their estate planning by planting the seed of life insurance’s benefits. For more related resources, refer to our:


Additional Advanced Markets material and information are available at:


Congratulations, Kevin and Joe!

Please join us in congratulating two of our valued, long-time Advanced Markets colleagues on their upcoming retirements. We thank Kevin Blanton, Associate Counsel, and Joe Scianna, Director and Senior Consultant, for their many years of dedicated service at John Hancock. Among their countless contributions, Kevin was one of the original founders and authors of our Central Intelligence that you read each month and Joe brought innovative and popular illustration concepts to life. Kevin will retire on May 2 and Joe will retire on May 10. They will be dearly missed — we wish them many happy and healthy years ahead!


Central Intelligence

Stay informed on important court rulings and legislative updates that can impact our industry. Each month, this publication summarizes topics that can directly impact your business. Our April 2024 issue includes:

  • President Biden releases his budget for fiscal year 2025
  • IRS proposes to identify certain charitable remainder annuity trust arrangements as listed transactions
  • Tax Court invalidates Treasury Regulation relating to conservation easements
  • Department of Labor finalizes rule determining worker classification

434 business days left until estate exemption sunset


Take advantage of JH Solutions today

JH Solutions® is available within the JH Illustrator software for all your concept-based illustration needs. Learn more: JH Solutions Concepts in JH Illustrator.


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